Patrícia Horváth, Anikó Tompos, Petra Kecskés
Exploring the Spatial Distribution and Location Choice of Companies in a Hungarian Agglomeration
Michał Gzik, Marcin Frenkel
City Diplomacy Practices Towards China and the United States in the Western Balkans. Examples from Croatian and Slovenian Cities
Stanislav Konečný
The Hierarchy of Interests as a Decision-Making Criterion in the NIMBY Situation
Aleksandra Nowakowska
The Concept of Territorial Capital: A Revolution or an Evolution in the Perspective of Local and Regional Development?
Andrzej Cieślik, Tomasz Misiak
The Effect of Inter-Sectoral Links on the Dynamics of Human Capital in Polish NUTS II Level Regions
Dominik Staśkiewicz, Oliwia Haręża, Urszula Protyńska, Michał Małysz
Karkonoska Kolej Miejska w obliczu wyzwań mobilności aglomeracji Jeleniej Góry
Maciej J. Nowak Vincent Nadin, Giancarlo Cotella, Peter Schmitt (red.) (2024). Spatial Planning Systems in Europe: Comparison and Trajectories. Elgar Studies in Planning Theory, Policy and Practice. Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publishin