Scholar Publishing House is listed in the published by the Minister of Science and Higher Education the list of publishing houses publishing peer-reviewed scientific monographs (Level I, posision 622, Unique ID of publishing company 72200; 80 points).
Scholar Publishing House was established in 1991 by Jacek Raciborski, its current director. Hanna Raciborska is deputy president of Scholar’s board of directors. Publishing coordination is ensured by Łukasz Żebrowski, editor in chief. Scholar has published over 1,300 titles, mainly in sociology, psychology, international relations, political studies, regional studies, philosophy, history, law, and economics.
Scholar is especially proud of its academic textbooks. Our crowning achievement in this domain is the series Wykłady z Psychologii [Lectures on Psychology] edited by professor Jerzy Brzeziński, which is expected to consist of 20 volumes, 17 of them already published. Scholar also offers Wykłady z Socjologii [Lectures on Sociology] edited by professor Piotr Sztompka, with eight volumes published to date, e.g. Struktura społeczna [Social structure] by Henryk Domański, Socjologia kultury [Sociology of culture] by Marian Golka, or Socjologia życia publicznego [Sociology of public life] by Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński. In 2006, we prepared a two-volume anthology of fundamental texts in sociology, entitled Współczesne teorie socjologiczne [Contemporary sociological theories] and edited by Aleksandra Jasińska-Kania, Lech Nijakowski, Jerzy Szacki, and Marek Ziółkowski.
Our extensive translating programme is addressed especially to students and researchers in the fields of social studies and the humanities. It is thanks to Scholar that the Polish reading public can enjoy canonical texts in world’s political sociology (albeit often only in fragments). Some of our translations have known a great success: Arthur S. Reber’s Dictionary of Psychology, Phillip D. Straffin’s Game Theory and Strategy, or books by the German historian Andreas Kossert devoted to East Prussia. In our series called Społeczeństwo Współczesne [Contemporary Society], we have published Polish translations of such world bestsellers as: Ulrich Beck’s Risk Society and World Risk Society, Jürgen Habermas’s The Future of Human Nature, Immanuel Wallerstein’s The End of the World As We Know It, James March and Johan Olsen’s Rediscovering Institutions, Robert Dahl’s Modern Political Analysis, or Mancur Olson’s The Logic of Collective Action. We are also very proud of our series Humanistyka Europejska [The European Humanities] which includes a translation of Peter Sloterdijk’s bestselling Rage and Time and Pierre Bourdieu’s Distinction, Habermas’s Between Facts and Norms, and Beck’s Power in the Global Age. We also offer some important classical works addressed to students of international relations: Alexander Wendt’s Social Theory of International Politics, or Kenneth Waltz’s Theory of International Politics. We have also published works by Klaus von Beyme, Dan Diner, Max Horkheimer, Harold James, Raphael Lemkin, Niklas Luhmann, and Peyton Young.
In recent years, we have published many English-language books and distributed them throughout the world. One of them, which has proved a great success, is Roman Kuźniar’s Poland’s Foreign Policy after 1989. In cooperation with Verlag Barbara Budrich (Germany and USA), we have published e.g. Grzegorz Lissowski’s Principles of Distributive Justice. In 2012-2015, we participated in a project in the Centre for Historical Studies in Berlin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the fruit of our close cooperation with Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag, the publisher of the German-language version, was Polsko-niemieckie miejsca pamięci [Polish-German realms of memory] in four volumes, edited by Hans Henning Hahn and Robert Traba.
In 2005, we published Przemiany więzi społecznych [Changes in social ties] by Mirosława Marody and Anna Giza-Poleszczuk, which is one of the most important Polish books on sociology in the recent years. Together with the Authors, we were awarded the prestigious Jan Długosz Award for the title. We also published the bestselling book Władza globalizacji [The power of globalization] by Jadwiga Staniszkis, which won a prize from the Foundation for Polish Science, commonly known as the Polish Nobel Prize. Our books on psychology have also been appreciated by “Charaktery” journal and got the Theophrastus Award: Maria Lewicka’s Psychologia miejsca [Psychology of place] in 2013, Wojciech Łukasz Dragan’s Temperament w pierwszym roku życia [Temperament in the first year of life] in 2014, Maria Kaźmierczak’s Oblicza empatii w procesie adaptacji do rodzicielstwa [Faces of empathy in the process of adaptation to parenthood] and Barbara Mróz’s 20 lat później [20 years later] in 2016, Małgorzata Dragan’s Problemowe picie alkoholu przez młode kobiety [Young women problematic alcohol drinking] in 2017. Moreover, Jan Strelau’s Różnice indywidualne. Historia – determinanty – zastosowania [Individual differences. History - determinants - applications] was honored by Theophrastus Superstar Award in 2015. Lech Nijakowski in 2013 won the Leon Krzywicki Award from the Faculty I of Humanities and Social Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences for his book Rozkosz zemsty. Socjologia historyczna mobilizacji ludobójczej [The ecstasy of revenge. Historical sociology of genocidal mobilization]; and Bartosz Kaliski got the Professor Tomasz Strzembosz Award for his Archidiecezja gnieźnieńska w czasach komunizmu 1945–1989 [The Gniezno archdiocese in the communist period 1945-1989].
Scholar also specializes in scientific periodicals and cyclical publications: the Studia Regionalne i Lokalne [Regional and Local Studies] quarterly (in cooperation with the Centre for Regional and Local Studies of the University of Warsaw); Rocznik Strategiczny [Strategic Yearbook] (in cooperation with the Institute of International Relations of the University of Warsaw); Psychologia – Etologia – Genetyka [Psychology - Ethology - Genetics], a semi-annual publication (in cooperation with the Centre for Behaviour Genetic Research of the University of Warsaw); or the Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations quarterly (in cooperation with the Institute of International Relations of the University of Warsaw). From 2006 to 2017 we cooperated with the Polish Society of Social Psychology on the publication of the Psychologia Społeczna [Social Psychology] quarterly. Currently the periodical is published only in the English-language digital version. Since 2007 we are working on the Zarządzanie Publiczne [Public Governance] quarterly together with the Kraków University of Economics. For years, we have been cooperating with the Institute of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, publishing monographs of its employees and helping with editing of periodicals The Polish Yearbook of International Law and Archiwum Kryminologii [The Archive of Criminology]. We cooperate closely with many other foundations and associations in the domain of science, our achievements are therefore their achievements.
Scholar participates regularly in the Warsaw Book Fair and other fairs in Poland and abroad. Our books are available in scientific bookstores all over the country and in many online venues. Many of our titles, as well as individual papers from our periodicals, are available in e-book format at:,, and