CONTENTS GENERAL ARTICLES • Christian Tomuschat: Individual and Collective Identity: Factual Givens and Their Legal Reflection in International Law. Words in Commemoration of Krzysztof Skubiszewski, doi 10.7420/pyil2017a, pp. 11-34; • Alessandra La Vaccara: Past Conflicts, Present Uncertainty: Legal Answers to the Quest for Information on Missing Persons...
Contents IN MEMORIAM Bartłomiej Krzan: Professor Jan Kolasa (1926-2016), doi: 10.7420/pyil2016a, pp. 11-18; GENERAL ARTICLES Roman Kwiecień: The ”Nicaragua” Judgement and the Use of Force - 30 Years Later, doi: 10.7420/pyil2016b, pp. 21-36; Michał Kowalski: Original Sin Reaffirmed: The Nicaragua Judgement’s Impact on the Notionof Armed Attack as the...
CONTENTS IN MEMORIAM Jan Kolasa: Karol Wolfke (1915-2015), doi: 10.7420/pyil2014a, pp. 11-16; Jerzy Kranz: Sapere auso (To One Who Dared to Be Wise): On the Fifth Anniversary of the Death of Krzysztof Skubiszewsk, doi: 10.7420/pyil2014b, pp. 17-36. LEGAL PERSPECTIVES ON THE UKRAINIAN-RUSSIAN CONFLICT Patrycja Grzebyk: Classification of the Conflict...
NEW VOLUME OF PYIL XXXIII (2013) The article section of the current volume starts with Maurizio Arcari’s text on the constitutionalization and fragmentation of international law. This is followed by the articles of Cezary Mik on the concept of jus cogens in contemporary international law, and Gino Naldi & Konstantinos Magliveras on the denunciation...
The Polish Yearbook of International Law (PYIL) is a scientific journal published since 1966. The major focus of the Yearbook is on public and private international law as well as European law. Each volume of the PYIL also includes legal bibliography of Polish authors publishing in the above areas. The new volume (XXXII) includes an article by Prof....