ARTYKUŁY: Tomasz Laskowicz Economic Aspects of Marine Spatial Planning:The Case of Offshore Wind Farms in Poland Dominik Sikorski, Karolina Smętkiewicz The Contemporary Transformation of Post-Industrial Areas in Post-Socialist Polish Cities: Case Studies from Wrocław (Kleczków) and Kraków (Zabłocie) Taras G. Vasyltsiv, Olha O. Levytska, Olha P....
ARTYKUŁY: Maryana Melnyk, Iryna Leshchukh, Uliana Ivaniu The Risks and Opportunities of Forming a Specific Business Environment in Ukraine in the Conditions of War Olena Stryzhak The Features of Regional Human Capital Development Khrystyna Prytula, Anna Maksymenko, Nataliia Popovych, Halyna Ivasyk Integrating the Ukrainian Garment Industry into...
ARTYKUŁY: Patrícia Horváth, Anikó Tompos, Petra Kecskés Exploring the Spatial Distribution and Location Choice of Companies in a Hungarian Agglomeration Michał Gzik, Marcin Frenkel City Diplomacy Practices Towards China and the United States in the Western Balkans. Examples from Croatian and Slovenian Cities Stanislav Konečný The Hierarchy of...
ARTYKUŁY: Tomasz Skica, Lejla Lazović-Pita, Ademir Abdić The Determinants of Sub-Central Government’s Efficiency: The Case of Polish Districts Khrystyna Prytula, Ewa Łaźniewska, Anna Maksymenko, Yaroslava Kalat, Olha Demedyuk Increasing Local Community Resilience in the EU-Ukraine Cross-Border Area Grzegorz Gorzelak “The Diagnosis of the...
Table of Contents: Bartolomeo Rafael Bialas, Political Branding: Subterfuge or the New Mode of Governance? Monika Woźniak, Innovative Public Procurement Failure: A Case Analysis from PolandBartosz Sobik, Climate Risk: Reshaping the Energy Sector Dominika Kołodziej, E-Government Solutions in Poland: The State of E-Services Provided by a Selected Local...
Table of Contents: Janusz Nesterak, Bernard Ziębicki, Editorial. Public Transformations: Infrastructure, Ecology, Law, and Management in Modern Society Katarzyna Szczecina, Monika Ziółko, The Impact of Transport Exclusion on the Socioeconomic Development of the Nowosądecki District Krystian Bień, Mariusz Rafało, The Impact of Telemedicine on Reducing...
Table of Contents: Michael D. Kennedy, Violence and Truth in 2022’s Epoch End: COVID-19 and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine in the World Historical ContextMichael Carnegie LaBelle, Tekla Szép, Europe's Green Deal: Is the Middle Class Left Behind?Piotr Bednarek, Jolanta Maria Ciak, Performance Audit Effectiveness Indicators: Evidence from PolandNorbert...
Table of Contents: Janusz Nesterak, Bernard Ziębicki Katarzyna Baran, Stanisław Mazur, Piotr Prokopowicz Using the Multidimensional Leadership Questionnaire to Analyse the Relationships Between Urban Leadership and the Attributes of Transactional and Transformational LeadershipSalvatore Giacomuzzi, Martin Rabe, Ivan Titov, Tamila Zozul, Marianna Kokhan,...
Table of Contents: Janusz Nesterak, Bernard Ziębicki Editorial Agnieszka Skoczylas-Tworek A Review of Research into the Phenomenon of Fraud and Abuse in the Modern Economy: The Scale of the Problem and the Prospects for Counteracting Janusz Nesterak, Damian Majkowski Structuring Management of the Post-Merger Integration Phase in the Buy-and-Build Model:...
Contents: Atahan Demirkol, Mihai Christopher Marian Radovici, From “United in Exploitation” To “United in Diversity”: Postcolonial Perspectives Regarding Europe’s Economic Migration Fluxes Agnieszka Konior, Anna Pluszyńska, Anna Grabowska, Agnieszka Czyczyło, Accessibility Implementation in Public Cultural Institutions: An Opportunity or a Legally...
Contents: Laimute Zalimiene, Sandra Krutuliene, Laima Okuneviciute Neverauskiene, Boguslavas Gruzevskis, Jolita Juneviciene, What shapes the pathway of becoming an elderly care worker? Young Workers’ perspective Beata Ziębińska, Belina Bedini, Elderly care and its contexts. Example of Poland and Albania Petr Fabián, The Use of Reflecting Teams and...
ROCZNIK STRATEGICZNY jest jedyną w Polsce i w Europie Środkowej publikacją, która systematycznie i całościowo przedstawia główne wydarzenia i tendencje w życiu międzynarodowym mijającego roku. OBSERWATORIUM BEZPIECZEŃSTWA oferuje wnikliwą analizę – instytucjonalną i sektorową – globalnych oraz regionalnych problemów bezpieczeństwa. ŚWIAT W ROCZNIKU to...